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Safe Travel

We want to ensure that all of our families can travel to school safely. It is also important to encourage all of our children to be as active as they can and to promote sustainability of travel. As a community school, the majority of families live a short distance from the school and we would like to promote the following ways to travel.

Walking to school


Below is our Walk to School Map which shows the distance to our school for the majority of our pupils. We encourage our families to share this map with their child and see if they can identify where your house is on the map and what walking zone you live in. This will help to show approximately how long your travel to school should take. 

Cycle and Scoot

Our children love to ride their bikes and scooters to school. You will find covered bike storage at both our gates on School Lane and Chiltington Way. All bikes/scooters are left at the owners risk but they are locked during the school day.



The closest bus stop is right outside the school on Lustrells Vale outside the shops which offers easy access to Brighton and surrounding areas. Please click here to view the Brighton and Hove buses website. You can also download the number 27 timetable here.


Driving/Park and Stride

We understand that for some of families they may need to drive to school. We actively encourage these families to park on one of the surrounding roads away from the school (to help minimise traffic and keep the school clear of cars) and then 'stride' so that all children get to enjoy some exercise to start the day. Our School Lane entrance to the school is closed at drop off and pick up times- please see information on School Streets Programme below.

School Streets Programme

Saltdean is one of the schools currently working with the School Streets Programme. The aim is to:

  • Make school streets safer for children and families
  • Promote active travel which leads to better mental and physical health
  • Reduce road danger
  • Create a cleaner environment

This means that vehicles will be prohibited from entering School Lane from its junction with Lustrells Vale on school-term weekdays only at the following times:

· 8:15am to 9:15am

· 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Vehicles already inside the closures at these times are not required to move and are able to exit the area. Parking regulations will apply as normal at all times. 

Residents of the streets inside of the closure will still be able to access and leave their properties during the closure times and the following vehicles will also be exempt from the restrictions:

  • Medical staff or carers visiting residents within the area
  • Blue Badge holders
  • Emergency services vehicles
  • Public transport vehicles
  • Employees or related activity of business or services operating within the closure
  • Deliveries or tradespeople serving properties within the closure
  • School transport vehicles - including taxis hired for school transport
  • School staff accessing parking (both on street and off street)

A recent travel survey by families shared:

'Please keep up the road closure on School Lane. It is fantastic'

'Closing the road has been very helpful'

'Implement school streets on a permanent basis'

'This has been amazing and has made a huge impact on the safety of children when arriving and leaving'

'I definitely feel more safe with this in place'

'It has made the journey to school more enjoyable and safe'

For more information on School Streets Programme, please clink the link.

For more information from Brighton and Hove about our School Street programme, please click on the following link.